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We encourage you to apply UDL to your Thursday presentation as it applies to how you reach your students and how your students learn.  BECAUSE WE DON'T ALL LEARN THE SAME WAY
1. Multiple Means of Engagement - engage students initially to get them to care about the topic (Video?  Drama?  Story?  Mystery to figure out?) I did this with you in the memory activity - students love a challenge or competition
2. Multiple Means of Representation - how you as a teacher present information in a variety of ways (numbers?  language?  models?  demonstration?) I am doing this with you now - verbal explanation, a website (text and graphics), computers, cell phones, etc.
3. Multiple Means of Action and Expression - allow students to express what they have learned in a variety of ways that require them to think critically (beyond multiple choice and worksheets) - give choices whenever possible (role-playing?  video?  blog?  write a song?  debate?)  You will learn tools this week but you will decide how you want to present your information on Thursday.




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